God is a Spirit.Being a spirit, he is anywhere and everywhere, all at the same time.
God, himself, expresses this concept clearly through Jeremiah (23:23-24, KJV),
Am I a God at hand ... and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? ... Do not I fill heaven and earth?This omnipresence of God speaks first and foremost to his infinite power. Our finite minds cannot process such infinite presence. But it also speaks to his nearness. Even now, as I type on my keyboard, God is here, watching my actions and reading my thoughts. That should provide motivation for me to remain obedient, but more important, when I stumble, it means that God understands my weaknesses, and is ready to forgive when I confess.
The "nearness of God" is one of his defining features, and one that we should acknowledge in prayer.