Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I see men as trees

Mark 8 tells of Jesus restoring sight to a blind man. Fascinating as that is, the story contains a curious element. Specifically, at first the man's sight is only partially restored.

After putting his hands on the man's eyes, Jesus asks what he sees. The man responds (Mark 8:24, KJV),
I see men as trees, walking.
Jesus then touches his eyes again, after which we're told (Mark 8:25, KJV),
He was restored, and saw every man clearly.
This story seems to highlight an important aspect of spiritual growth. Rather than a one-time bolt of lightning, after which we're fully imbued with the wisdom of Solomon, spiritual growth is more often a process consisting of small, imperfect steps forward, and, unfortunately, occasional backslides.

Perhaps that start-and-stop process owes to our sinful nature, or perhaps it's a deliberate design by God. Or perhaps it's a combination of the two. Either way, we must avoid becoming frustrated and losing zeal when we "see men as trees." Because with continued faith and prayer, one day we'll eventually "see clearly."