First, we should recognize those times that we choose the wrong path, and we should ask God for forgiveness for those times. (And repent quickly! Don't wait for God to grab your attention through some kind of punishment!)
Once we repent, we should ask ourselves a tough question: Why do we sometimes choose the path that doesn't please God? God asks us this very question in Isaiah 55:2 (ESV),
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread,The first two lines of this verse ask us: Why do we disobey God? Are we openly rebelling against God? Or are we just spiritually lazy? Does disobeying God provide us with temporary enjoyment?
and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good,
and delight yourselves in rich food.
Whatever the reason, figuring out why we sin is an important part of removing sin from our lives.
The next two lines of the passage command us to leave sin. Seek God. He is the "rich food" that truly satisfies. Seeking God provides more than just temporary enjoyment--it provides eternal satisfaction!
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