As one example, one of the oldest books in the Bible, Job, features a series of discussions about the meaning of existence. I previously have posted that Job, while failing to answer many of our questions, eventually points to the importance of remaining humble toward God.
As another example, Solomon's writings in Ecclesiastes, while seemingly depressing on the surface, eventually leads to an uplifting path for how to live.
In general, whenever I find myself pondering the meaning of life, I like to recall Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV),
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,That is, there are many things we cannot know, because God's design is beyond our comprehension. I believe this is the lesson that both Job and Solomon present.
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So as we head into the weekend, recall those words from Isaiah. Remain humble before God, and pray without ceasing!
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